Missoula's New Marshall Mountain Recreation Area
Photo Credit: Greg Rosnske
Beginning tomorrow, August 12, 2021, the community will be able to access and enjoy 160 acres of open space at the former Marshall Mountain Ski Area (5250 Marshall Canyon Drive)! Once a privately owned ski resort, many Missoulians can share memories of learning to ski on Marshall Mountain or have fond memories of their ski days, and adventurous nights, on the mountain. In 2002, owners closed the mountain to skiing due to changing climate and unreliable snowfall as noted by Five Valley’s Land Trust. It has since become a popular mountain biking area for the community and now open to all community members.
Missoula Parks and Recreation says,
Photo Credit: Harjinder
“Thanks to a generous arrangement with current property owners, the City of Missoula has leased the property at the base of Marshall Mountain for the next 18 to 24 months for $10, with an option to purchase the parcel at the end of that term. During the lease period, the City of Missoula will collaborate with community partners to develop strategies to fund property acquisition, design, planning, and development. The purchase will be subject to the standard City open space acquisition processes, including an extensive public process with multiple opportunities for citizen engagement, culminating with a City Council vote.”
you’re invited to the Community Celebration!
YOU can be part of future planning and celebrating of Marshall Mountain Park. Parks and Recreation will host a community celebration at Marshall Mountain on September 12, 2021, from 1-4 p.m. Residents will have a chance to tour the site and learn how to become involved with planning for the future of Marshall Mountain Park.
Learn more about the new Marshall Mountain Recreation Area including the park’s rules, a trail map, and more by visiting the Engage Missoula website (https://www.engagemissoula.com/marshall-mountain-recreation-area). To learn more about the history of Marshall Mountain, visit the Five Valley’s Land Trust website.