The Miracle of Surrogacy - What Everyone Involved Needs to Know
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Whether you’re dealing with infertility or any other situation where you can’t start a family on your own, sorting through your options can be a little overwhelming. The good news is that today, parents-to-be have more options than ever before. One of those options is surrogacy, and more couples are turning to this choice in order to fulfill their dream of parenthood. If this is a path you’re ready to explore, whether as a surrogate, a parent, or an egg donor, becoming informed about what to expect is the first step.
For Parents
When you decide on surrogacy to start a family, one of the biggest choices you face is who will be your surrogate. In some cases, a close family member or friend will offer to be a surrogate. You know your family and your unique situation best, and in certain cases, having someone you know be a surrogate can be special. But there are also immense benefits to using an agency. The website Fatherly explains how surrogacy is a complex process, and an agency conducts screenings to make sure potential surrogates meet all the necessary criteria.
If you are using your own egg and sperm rather than a donor, another major factor to consider is the process of undergoing IVF. The blog Pregnantish gives a basic rundown of the steps involved, which include testing and getting the woman’s body ready, retrieving eggs and sperm, and then transferring the embryo to your surrogate. Just as the surrogate needs to be prepared, the parents need to know what to expect physically and emotionally from this process.
When you get to the point of choosing a surrogate and moving forward, one of the most crucial steps is making sure your legal bases are covered. Surrogacy laws vary by state, and there are essential contracts and other legal processes involved.
For Surrogates
Before deciding to become a surrogate, you’ll want to thoroughly research whether surrogacy is right for you. The first things to look at are the basic requirements you must meet in your state.
Besides these basic requirements, you also want to think about the physical and emotional experience of surrogacy. If you have major stressors like financial trouble or job stress, the emotional weight of these things can affect the health of your pregnancy and viability of the baby. Additionally, do you have a partner or family who can provide support? Having emotional support and help when needed makes a huge difference in your experiences.
The most common type of surrogate is a gestational surrogate. In this case, the parents undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) to establish an embryo that is transferred to your uterus to establish pregnancy. Before implantation, you will need to track your cycles, and you will need to take estrogen and progesterone so that your body is fully prepared for the pregnancy.
For Donors
While some families use their own egg and sperm to form an embryo for surrogacy, there are other families that use egg donors. If you’re considering being an egg donor, the first thing to understand is that the requirements can be fairly strict, just as it is for surrogates. This is because your health and lifestyle are of utmost importance. Once you apply and become accepted as a donor, there are tests you must undergo and various medical procedures involved.
Preparing for Your Baby
Once you’ve chosen to go ahead with the surrogacy process, you’ll need to make some home preparations. For starters, baby-proofing your home is a crucial step. This includes covering outlets, installing gates around stairs, using guards for sharp corners, and anchoring heavy objects. You’ll also want to create a nurturing environment for your child’s nursery and find a versatile and well-constructed crib. Take a little time to consider your own needs as a new mom as well. For example, a postpartum yoga routine or new pair of leggings or comfortable gown can allow you to stay relaxed and make caring for your new baby a little less strenuous.
When it comes to reproductive choices, the most important thing for anyone involved in any of these processes is to know what to expect. You may not be able to anticipate every symptom or emotion, but you can be prepared for what’s to come. With the right information, surrogacy or egg donation can be beautiful, life-giving experiences for everyone involved.
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