School's Out for Corona!
This post first appeared on The Flying D Ranch website, and Bear was generous enough to allow us to share it with our readers. Read more about Bear, her family, and their life on a 350-acre ranch in Victor at the end of this post.
Photo courtesy of Bear Frisbie
Ok, so your kid’s school could be cancelled until mid-April. You've already freaked out about not enough toilet paper or Clorox Wipes - Now what? Well, you could turn the TV on for the next 720 hours or you can commit to making the best out of a difficult situation. While some folks have been homeschooling for years - that’s not you. You and your kids will need a little time to adjust to this “at home all the time and with each other constantly - with no room to breathe!” I mean you can only hide in the bathroom or pantry for so long before they hunt you down. You may be accustomed to a whole 8 hours interacting with adults or having a significant amount of time that allows you time to pee by yourself. Never fear - you’ve got this! In fact not only can you survive this time - you can really enjoy it. Don’t get me wrong, there may be moments of insanity but overall this could be a really special time for you and your children. Check out these 10 tips!
#1 Enjoy this time. It may not seem ideal but I bet your kids and you will remember this period of time for the rest of their lives. So, decide now to set the tone for your family.
#2 Create a routine with chores. Getting up everyday and having a routine is crucial. What a wonderful thing to take this time to create new, good habits. Think: make bed, shower, brush your hair and teeth, do a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, sweep the floor, vacuum, feed the animals, walk the dog, clean the windows or weed the garden. Here is a link to a free printable chore chart:
#3 Read daily. Read to your kids out loud. Find a book (maybe one from your childhood) and read a chapter or two a day. Maybe 20-30 minutes or longer if they are loving it. Encourage them to silent read as well.
#4 Incorporate exercise on the daily. There is no substitute for fresh air and sunshine. Here is a link to some outdoor games:
#5 Start a puzzle that can stay on your table to be worked on everyday. Remember it’s always best to start on the easier side when doing puzzles. Your kids will feel successful finishing one and if it was too easy - level up for the next one!
#6 Take turns cooking with each child. Have your child take responsibility for preparing lunch for themselves. Of course, age appropriateness is going to be important.
#7 Get on Pinterest and find 10 art projects. Order all supplies from Amazon and do a project every couple days.
Photo courtesy of Bear Frisbie
#8 Get a notebook for each kid to journal daily. Keep it short and fun. Here is a list of silly topics to write on and then illustrate. 300 Fun Writing Prompts for Kids
Tip #9 Have your child/children call a family member, friend or elderly neighbor everyday. This will help us all remain connected in a time where isolation is encouraged. Better yet, Facetime or Skype! Even better...write letters!
Tip #10 Begin a routine of listing 3 things to be thankful for daily. Write them down and discuss them as a family.