Parents and Teachers: Getting on the Same Page Again
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As we adjust to accepting the ways Covid changed our everyday lives, the world of education seems to be in crisis. The relationship between parents and educators was greatly strained by the pandemic. Both want what is best for our students, and our future, but may not know how to get back on the same page so that we can move forward.
As a parent, here are some small things that you can do to make a big difference in the classroom:
Send Your Child to School
That’s it. Vacations are fun. Playing hooky is fun. However, your child needs to be at school, every day, unless they are sick. Not only do they need to be at school, but they also need to be on time, with a full nights’ sleep and a full belly. (If you need help with this, there are many options for you. Please contact your child’s school for resources)
Teachers appreciate open and honest relationships with their students’ families. If you are feeling upset about something that has been happening at school or with your child, talk to their teacher. It is so much easier to fix an issue if you are communicating. If you do not feel that changes are happening after you have communicated with the teacher, then it would be a good time to ask for a meeting with the principal as well. Please remember that teachers are humans too, so try as best as you can to give them some grace.
Ask for Help!
Here’s the thing…Math has NOT changed. However, how it is being taught will continue to change. Yes, it can seem weird and confusing, but educators are continually looking for new ways to teach so that students have a clearer understanding of what they are learning. If you don’t understand…ask. Teachers are happy to send home reference sheets or explain to you all about arrays and irregular verbs, or point you in the right direction to get the information you need.
Overall, getting on the same page with your child’s teacher is SO incredibly important. Teachers want what is best for your children. One of the best parts of my job as a teacher is the incredible connections that I gain from it, both with my students and also their families. Getting to know them, saying hi at the store, and watching their faces light up at their child’s successes is one of my favorite things. I want all of my parents to feel comfortable in my classroom and working with me. Get to know your child’s teacher and school and be a part of their education. Remember, when it comes to education, parents and teachers are a team working toward the same goal: your child’s success.