Around Town & At Home: January 2022
As the rise in cases of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 continues, we want to promote safety, health, and well-being in our community. Below are a number of events happening around town that you can participate in from the comfort of your home along with other events happening in the community this month. We will continue to add to this list as events pop up.
Spark Arts: Creativity at Home
SPARK Arts has created an with awesome resource for aiding creativity at home with your family! It is full of educational online resources they recommend from lots of different arts organizations. These resources and activities are designed for any family to enjoy doing at home with minimal supplies, so no going to the store! If you have any arts-at-home resources to add they would love to hear about them! Email them to Happy learning!
Paint Your Own Pottery or Art Projects To Go with Zootown Arts Community Center
The ZACC provides a number of walk-in and create services so your next creative experience is never too far away! We're creating art projects that can be easily picked up at the ZACC, and completed at home. Each kit will come with materials, instructions, and guidance* towards a certain product. Order your kits here, and we'll prepare them for pickup at our brick & mortar location, notifying you via phone when they are ready for pickup.
Online Bug Encounters with SpectrUM: The Beetle Life Cycle
Over the next two weeks Brenna will be talking beetles. Accompany her in the lab this Wednesday to explore their four-stage life cycle and view live examples. Join us every Wednesday at 1:00pm for our Facebook livestream! Missing our Bug Ambassadors? They miss you! Every week we’ll bring you a new Online Bug Encounter. Tune in to our Facebook page at 1:00pm to watch LIVE!
Middle School Writer’s Group through the Missoula Public Library
For writers and would-be writers in 6th-8th grades. We share our original stories, poems, novels; give and receive feedback; and do fun writing activities. It’s all about creation and imagination! Members will meet on Zoom every Wednesday. Those interested in joining should email Dana at 3:15-5:15 PM
Participate in Person
Thursday, January 13:
UM Griz Men’s Basketball vs. Southern Utah
The Montana Grizzly Basketball team hosts Southern Utah on Thursday, Jan. 13th at 7 p.m. (MT). The game will air live on ESPN+
Friday, January 14:
Family Roller Skating Event at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds from 6pm-8pm
FREE Family Roller Skating at the Interstate Building in Hamilton, Montana. Bring your own skates, rollerblades, scooters, skateboards, but NO Bikes. Join us for LOADS of free fun! Co-hosted by Bitterroot Wellness Essentials
Saturday, January 15:
Roll into the New Year with this Open Skate, hosted by Hellgate Roller Derby from 1pm-6pm
- Both sessions will be at The Furnace 500 East Spruce Street Missoula, MT.
- 1:00-3:00 Family & Beginner-friendly Open Skate
- 4:00-6:00 Ages 12+ Open Skate
- $7 to skate + $3 to rent skates (limited sizes available - first come first serve)
- Please wear a mask. Space will be sanitized before & after both skating sessions.
Photo Credit: Hellgate Roller Derby
Cat Castles at the Public Library from 1pm-5pm
Got leftover boxes from the holidays? Bring your own or use our supplies to build your cat (or other small pet) a fun castle! Families and adults are welcome. Please note: Only adults will be allowed to use the sharp tools. Some boxes will be provided. This program is held in Cooper Room A/B on Level Four on Saturday, January 15 from 1:00-5:00 PM!
Photo Credit: Missoula Public Library